General Motors and Ford are also closing some plants beyond the usual two-week end of year production break. 通用汽车和福特也准备在年终通常的两个星期停产时间外,再延长一些工厂的关闭时间。
Taiwan on Monday sentenced a major general to life imprisonment for spying for China, closing a chapter on the most high-profile cross-Strait espionage case in decades. 台湾周一判处一名少将无期徒刑,罪名是为大陆从事间谍活动。数十年来最令人瞩目的一起两岸间谍案至此告一段落。
The government is closing the so-called tier 1 ( general) route that allowed anyone to apply to work in the UK, except that 1000 "exceptionally talented" individuals will be admitted each year as part of the 21700 cap. 英国政府将关闭允许任何人申请到英国工作的所谓高技术移民(tier1(general))签证,作为2.17万个签证配额的一部分,每年将只接纳1000名“特别有才干”的个人。
The text not only analyses the relations between two usual ways that calculate constant magnetic field energy in general physics books, but also gives the other way to calculate magnetic field energy which distribute in closing current with the formula about magnetic energy in electric current coil. 本文分析了普物教科书中稳恒磁场能量常用的两种计算方法之间的关系,给出了闭合体分布电流磁场磁能的另一种计算方法。
General healing conditions, wound closing index, healing rates and histological changes of the patient's ulcer wound were observed during 1~ 8 weeks after treatment. 观察治疗后1~8周创面闭合指数、创面治愈率及组织形态学变化。
The medicine believes that the six fu qi stagnation, not General pain, a "pain, vomiting, swelling, closing" the four symptoms, namely, qi asthenia causing blood stasis and obstruction of water to drink on the stopping performance of six internal organs. 而祖国医学认为,六腑气滞血瘀,不通则痛,出现痛、吐、胀、闭四大症状,即气滞血瘀和水饮内停六腑梗阻的表现。
The general process model emphasizes the entire service process that social workers and service objects joint efforts together to the problem-solving process, generally it is divided into: taking the case, estimate, planning, intervention, evaluation, closing and follow-up of several stages. 通用过程模式强调整个服务过程是社会工作者和服务对象共同努力一起来解决问题的过程,概括来说分为:接案、预估、计划、介入、评估、结案和跟进几个阶段。